Siavelis & Associates Law Office provides high quality legal services, offering safe solutions to contemporary problems encountered by an individual.
Personal life evolves along with professional career and it often demands important decisions to be made for crucial matters. Everyone needs the proper legal support in order to handle with success the challenges and settle all problems.
Siavelis & Associates Law Office handles all Branches of Law related to people’s life, development and family, even when someone gets in the difficult position to confront the Law.
- Family Law
[Husband and Wife Relations by Marriage, Divorce and Alimony Obligation, Parental Responsibility and Children’s Custody, Assisted Human Reproduction, Artificial Fertilisation and Surrogate Motherhood, Adoption]
- Law of Succession
[Succession and Wills, Intestate Succession, Pension, Will Revocation and Publication, Inheritance Acceptance and Renunciation, Claim to Land, Inheritance Trust]
- Civil and Commercial Law
[Law of Obligations, Contract of Sale, Rent Contract, Composite Contracts, Loan Contract, Assumption and Debt Settlement Contract, Assignment Contract, Works Contract, Trust Contract, Leasing and Contracts of Obligations]
- Claim to Malfeasance
[Damage-Compensation and Satisfaction for Non-Material Damage, Damage-Compensation and Financial Satisfaction in case of death, Medical Negligence]
- Real Property Law
[Property Purchase, Rent and Management, Protection of Ownership and Property Rights, Exceptional and Regular Prescription of Titles, Mortgage and Mortgage Borrowing Establishment, Pledging Establishment]
- Securities Law
[Claim to Money from Credit Cards, Cheques and Bills of Exchange, Payment Order, Claim for Debt Securities, Compulsory Enforcement for satisfaction of a financial requirement]
- Intellectual and Industrial Property, Trademark Enforcement
[Intellectual and Related Rights, Intellectual Property and Related Rights Protection, Patent Enforcement, Trademark Enforcement]
- Administrative and Tax Law
[Recourse against an assessment notice for violations in regard to the Books and Information Code, Recourse against an assessment notice for violations in regard to the non-payment of VAT, Recourse against an assessment notice for Illicit Market and for creating-accepting fake invoices, Fundamental Administrative Differences, Individual Administrative Acts, Rescissory Administrative Differences, Recourse against the Greek State and legal persons governed by Public Law, Application for Revocation to the Council of State, Judicial Processes against the collection of government revenue]
- Criminal Law
Crimes in terms of statements of case: Forgery, False Medical Certifications.
Crimes in terms of administration of justice: Perjury, False Accusation, Shelter to Criminal.
Crimes in terms of service: Passive bribery, Corruption in relation to the service, Embezzlement in the service.
Crimes against life: Homicide, Manslaughter, Risk Exposure.
Physical Injury Crimes: Simple Physical Injury, Lethal Physical Injury, Affray.
Crimes against sexual freedom: Rape, Seduction of Infants, Juvenile Pornography.
Crimes against honour: Insulting, Defamatory Act, Utterance.
Crimes against Property: Theft, Embezzlement, Robbery.
Crimes against Property Rights: Extortion, Fraud, Computer Fraud, Corruption, Accepting and Providing Products of Crime, Money Laundering, Defrauding Creditors, Usury.
Crimes against the Greek State and the European Community: Tax Evasion, Illicit Market, Creating-Accepting Fake and Counterfeit Invoices.